You are currently viewing Sunday Special at Amanartis, Jan 23

Sunday Special at Amanartis, Jan 23

Lets make

It was cold outside and it was time to get cosy making macrame key rings. I’d laid out some simple instructions and a couple of samples to follow and the rest I left to human nature.

I truly believe being creative and helping one another is at our core. Many people think they’re not creative, but I always say the same thing to them, creativity looks different to everyone, for some people it looks like painting and for others, it looks like gardening but what it does look like is joy. 

Watching people come together, being creative and encouraging each other is a beautiful thing.

#artlife #independentwatford #artgallery

As the poster says, there’s always something new. Sometimes its a new exhibition, sometimes it’s a new cake I’ve baked for ‘Breaking Bread’ our coffee station cafe.

Gold, Yellow and Black, take your pick

T H I S P L A C E…
…is where people came, discovered something new and shared in a little – actually quite a lot of joy.

I love these Sunday Specials – they really are.

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Opening times:

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday – Friday: 10.30 – 15.00

Saturday by Appointment

Sunday: CLOSED