It's all in the process

“Maya, who is primarily a digital artist, will take herself out of her comfort zone to experiment with the messy and sticky 3D world of acrylics, glue, paper, canvas, pastels, watercolours and such. Although, for the record, she thinks she’ll love it! “
This was the intention and it was great to witness. The process is key to so much in life, as there is often more to be gained along the way than at the ‘end’ for there is no end – until you decide to stop, it’s an ongoing journey.

Going in. That’s what I call it, up close and excited to see what emerges. Often when we’re faced with the blank canvas there’s a mixture of emotions, but ultimately what is in front of us is potential.

Communication and collaboration equals Soul Food.

It’s one of the beautiful things about working in a art studio with others. As people who’s creative expression is through the act of creating art A.K.A artists, there’s a desire and often a necessity to work in isolation. However it’s definitely vital and essential to dip in and out of contact with others when creating work.
Those conversations that start at one point, end somewhere completely random and are full of twists and turns laughter and ponder nourish the soul and make the journey all the more interesting.