Artist interviews – New designers – New at Amanartis Studios.
The studio was finally ready to welcome it’s residents. Myself and another artist were settling in and nesting. Two spaces remained; who was going to join us? who was going to be directed to this very unique space?
In such an cosy setting, chemistry is key yet out of our hands, however I always think it’s a good thing to leave a little space in life for magic to happen, and that’s certainly what happened here with John. From Exeter to Watford, it’s been a long road but now he’s found us, it’s a blessing to have him working here.
“How do you feel about really big 5ft Jesus’?” A question I hadn’t imagined being asked. I wasn’t sure at first which felt a little strange as a Christian however this was about art and expression, community and inspiration and above all supporting it.

"How do you feel about a 5ft Jesus?"
“It’s fine, if that’s what you’re moved to paint then that’s what you paint”. And this is key. Over the months I’ve had the privilege to watch an artist at work at every stage of the process and it’s a process that is wonderful.

From Exeter, relocating to Watford wasn’t necessarily part of John’s plan, however finding a studio near London was. Committed to his work, John has journeyed physically and emotionally, navigated worlds with the likes of Ridley Scott, to living in the Middle East.
Ultimately deciding to commit to his desire to paint, he’s dedicated hours and hours to honouring and perfecting the techniques of the old masters and in doing so, creates modern paintings with a timeless classical style.

Driven by emotion and feeling, I’ve heard the gritty strokes of the sponge across the canvas, I’ve heard the slow footsteps back and forth as each expression is considered. I’ve witnessed the smudges that appear with no lines, no drawing no starting point just a gesture and then slowly a figure appears.
The figures, some you may know, others you won’t but the feeling, you will recognise.
When it comes to his portraits, John prefers to focus on the emotion behind the expression – or as he refers to the “essence of the subject”. So much can be hidden behind a smile but wait just long enough for the smile fade and then – there! There it is, the person, their essence – the moment.
Capturing the essence of his subjects

Saturday 5th June.
I’m so excited and pleased to announce that John’s work will mark the re-opening of Amanartis Studios with his oil on canvas exhibition ‘Awaken‘.
FREE Admission.
Open from 11 – 4pm – runs for 6 weeks.
Parking available.
Refreshments onsite
Visit to experience his work in it’s truly magnificent glory.